Thursday, June 24, 2010

The First Featured Artist, as well as "An Ode To Gerda & Juergen"

I am a truly fortunate person; I get to do a job that I love (and sometimes do it in my jammies!!) and, because of that job, I get to "meet" talented artists from all over the world. I LOVE getting to know them and I ADORE getting to see pictures of their work! I am sent pictures of drool-worthy beadwork nearly every often in fact that I have decided to begin doing a post each week or so where I showcase a "Featured Artist"....doesn't that sound awesome? :) I feel truly honored to begin this new feature with an amazing artist; Gerda Petersen!
Gerda is a customer from Germany; yes, a customer.....whom I am proud to now call my Friend. My relationship with Gerda and her husband Juergen began when she placed an order with us at Unfortunately, that package became lost......and in emailing back and forth to each other about it, we all got to know each-other and became friends. It would be almost impossible not to like both Gerda and Juergen; they are both amazingly friendly, funny and nice in additon to being patient and understanding, LOL! (that package did finally show up in Germany....guess it took the scenic route to get there, grrrr!!) And best of all, Gerda is a fantastically talented artist! She has only been working with bead embroidery for a few months, which makes the complexity and stellar quality of her work even more amazing. She has "IT"....that true, honest to goodness, genious-talent that produces not only gorgeous pieces but celebrated bead artists. Want to see what I mean? Well, here we go....our first "Feautured  Artist":
                                                          GERDA PETERSEN!
First, a picture of Gerda. How gorgeous and cool is she??!!

Now, for her work! Here is a photo line up of a piece from start to finish:

See? How awesome is That?? Can you believe she is a Newbie?? Here are some more:

What did I tell you....Great Gorgeous Gerda!! Our first Featured Artist and my new friend! :)

If you would like to be considered for our "Featured Artist", you may send pictures and your information (such as website links!!) to:
Bring on the eye candy.....and Have a Beady Good Day! :)