Wednesday, December 23, 2009

We Have a WINNER!!

We have a winner for our Christmas Give-Away, Congratulations DEB!!! You can check out her gorgeous work at the bottom of this post or on our homepage HERE. We are SO glad that we did this give away as a random drawing because if we had to choose just one winner from all the absolutely stunning pictures we were sent.....I do believe I would have lost my mind, LOL! Every single entry was gorgeous and we can't wait to feature all of them on our Artist Gallery page! The amount of talent out there is amazing and I want to sincerely thank everyone who sent in pics....I adore the eye candy!!! 
The give-away was so fun and so successful that we are already planning our next one.....but haven't decided if it will just be for blog followers or for folks who have signed up for our newsletter or maybe even for be sure to follow this blog, (look to the right for the link to do that) and if you haven't signed up for our newsletter yet, you can do that HERE.
I hope that everyone is having a wonderful Holiday, (and being good so Santa will come...hee hee hee...I LOVE Christmas!) Alot of us are in for some really BAD weather this Christmas, so please...BE SAFE! And Until next time, have a Beady Good Day! :) 

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Still Time to enter!!

Just a quick reminder that you still have time to enter for our Christmas week, in fact! The deadline for entries is December 19th, 2009 at 11:59pm Central time. You can get the full details on our website HERE or from this blog, HERE. You could be the lucky winner of a $100.00 shopping spree on our website or $50.00 in enter now!!! :)

I also wanted to remind everyone that we are always on the look-out for new, unique, useful and/or gorgeous items for the website; if you have any suggestions, we would be more than happy to hear about them! Maybe there is something you have been looking for? Let us know, maybe we can find it for you! Or maybe you have seen something really neat that you think would be great for us to carry on the website....again, let us know! We want to be THE source for everything beadwork!!!
Thats it for now, I hope you all are having a Beady Good Day! ;)

Sunday, November 29, 2009


Just wanted to pop in and let you all know that we just received a shipment of beautiful chips strands! Stones are: Tiger eye, Red Goldstone, Rose Quartz, Snowflake Obsidian, Rainbow Florite and Cherry Quartz. You can see them HERE! (And look below for a few teaser pics!)
These strands are perfect to use in jewelry of course, but I LOVE using chips in the fringe of my pretty and just seems so darn luxurious to see and feel those semi-precious stones cascading from a beautiful piece of wearable art!! :)
Submissions for the Give away have started to come in and WoW! Do we have some talented customers or what?!! Gorgeous pieces!! Keep those submissions coming....tell a friend, blog or twitter about it....we'd love to see this become our biggest give-away ever!! :)
Thats it for now, everyone be safe out there this Holiday season...and have a Beady Good Day! :)


Sunday, November 22, 2009

Christmas Give-Away!!!

We are crazy excited to announce that we are doing our first give away!! It will be fun fun fun and the winnings? Perfection, since YOU will be the one to pick them out! 
Thats right, I said that YOU get to choose what you want! How cool is that?! This is how it works:

1. Sign up for our newsletter via our website; if you are already signed up for it, no need to do it again, we just need everyone to be a confirmed subscriber. Need to sign up? Follow this LINK

2. Submit at least one photograph (digital format only please) of a piece of your beadwork (MUST be beadwork such as loomwork, cabochon beading, bead embroidery, etc but can be anything....a necklace, hair comb, cuff bracelet, bolo, etc) along with your name and email address to: Send as many pics as you want, but you only get one entry no matter how many pics you send.

IMPORTANT: you need to submit your digital pic(s) from the same email address that you used when you subscribed to our newsletter! 

3. The picture(s) that you submit MAY be used on our website in the artist gallery or other pages; we will always credit the artist if we use a photo of their work so no worries there....just keep in mind that by entering the give-away, you are consenting to our use of the photograph(s).

5. You may only enter ONCE as a subscriber to our newsletter, but can gain an additional entry by spreading the word about the give-away by blogging about on your blog or on Twitter. If you do, include a link with your submission and you will get a total of two entries!

4. All entries will be thrown in a hat and a random drawing will occur on December 20th, 2009. Entry deadline will be at 11:59pm Central time on December 19th. International entries are welcome, just keep our time zone in mind when you submit your entry. This is NOT a contest.....everyone from the beginner to the advanced beadweaver will have the same shot at the goodies!!

Speaking of which.....on to the good stuff!
We thought long and hard on what to give away, and decided that the best thing to do is let YOU decide! Soooo....(insert drum-roll here!)  we will be giving away ONE $100.00 shopping spree to the winner!! Yup, that right.....$100 Bucks to spend on anything you want on our website! Pretty cool, right? Well, it gets even cooler! We know how tough things can be at Christmas time, buying presents and everything and yet still needing some cash for the light bill, we decided to let you choose either the $100.00 shopping spree OR a check made out to you in the amount of $50.00! Spend the $50 on whatever you need to...presents, the light bill, groceries or charity......its' your cash so do whatever you want with it!

Now then, thats not too shabby for a give-away, right? So what are you waiting for? Take some pics, sign up for the newsletter and submit your entry!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Who Doesn't LOVE Fringe?!!

I mean, come on! Fringe is dangly and sparkly and gives an opulent feel to any piece.....especially if you use genuine Gemstones! I have always loved using genuine Gemstones in my fringe work and decided to search for some for the website; boy did we luck out! We were able to purchase a nice batch of Gemstone strands from a company that is going out of business.....which means we got the strands at a great price, which also means that YOU will get them at a great price! You can check them out HERE! 

You will find Aventurine, Lapis, Blue Topaz, Moonstone, Garnets.....all in sizes and shapes that are perfect for fringe work! These won't last long at these prices, and when they are gone they are GONE. So check them out and get them while you can! :) Look below for a few teaser pics.....and have a Beady good day!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Agate Slices Galore!!

Hello to all! Hope everyone had a fun and safe Halloween! We had a small turnout of Trick Or Treaters. Not as many as I would have wished,  I would have loved to have seen more of the kiddies in their costumes, but I suppose I can always console myself with all that leftover candy! ;)

I added a BUNCH of gorgeous Agate Slices to the website, check them out HERE!
There are lots of pretty colors as well as more natural shades and some really awesome shaped ones too! I love agate slices, don't you?! They are just so shiny and gem like with their banded translucency.....sigh! My favorites are the most transparent ones so that I can put them on top of dyed Lacys' Stiff Stuff; the colors you can get are awesome!!
Keep an eye out because I am going to be adding a bunch of gorgeous gemstone strands this week! Really nice quality and Perfect small sizes for fringe work, but feel free to use them in any way you wish! ;)
Thats it for now, Check below for a teaser pic or two and have a Beady Good Day!! :) 

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Yippee! New Fun Product Added!

The testing is done and the new product has been released, YAY! What is it, you ask? It is BEESWAX. Okay, okay....Beeswax itself is not a new idea; most folks who work with needle and thread know of the advantages to using Beeswax as a thread conditioner and keep a bar of it in their workbox. BUT our new Beeswax assortments ARE a new idea and they are awesome! 
The biggest problem I have had with Beeswax is that the stuff attracts dust and debris like a crazy strong magnet....not very hygenic and certainly not very attractive, lol! I would break a chunk off the standard 1 ounce bar and use the smaller piece while keeping the rest of the bar in a sealed bag; much cleaner, but still not very attractive! Then one day I decided to try refining the beeswax and MOLDING it.....Eureeka! Smaller pieces of beeswax that are also PRETTY! Such a simple idea but it really solves alot of problems, LOL!
We are offering the beeswax in a variety of sizes and shapes, sold as assortments that equal 1 ounce; the same size as a regular plain bar of beeswax. My favorite shapes are the LION and the EGYPTIAN cool! Here are a couple of pics:

These are not all of the shapes, but it will give you a good idea of what we have to offer! You can also check them out

Thursday, October 22, 2009

New Items Added!!

Yup, thats right! I finally got a bunch of great new cabcohons added to the website, and they are Beauties!! Check them out HERE!

I will be adding even more lovelies as time allows, so keep an eye out! Also a teaser.....I have something new I have been working on, still a secret but I am so excited about it that it won't stay that way for long, LOL! I am hoping to get my final testing done this weekend so that I can get this new item added to the wesbite by Sunday evening; I will post again when it is ready and give you a sneak peek!! In the meantime, just know that it is something that all beaders need, and almost all beaders use, but I have never seen any like these.......not only will these work better, but they are also beautiful! Ah, such fun having a surprise to spring, hee hee! 
Til next time....have a beady good day!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Get Ready!

Yup, thats right....Get Ready! Why? Becasue I have spent the entire day getting some great new items ready to add to the website! Gorgeous Sea Sediment Jasper cabs in designer shapes, a stunning Labradorite cabochon, some Dragon Vein Agate pieces, some vintage Bakelite cabochons and some really beautiful Imitation Rainbow Calsilica cabs! The Rainbow Calsilica pieces are super cool, they almost look like Fordite.....imagine if Fordite and Rainbow Calsilica had a love-child......thats what these awesome cas look like!! I am actually not sure what they are made of, it is either glass or the hardest, most dense plastic I have ever come across. Can't even tell by the old standard of tapping it against my teeth! Quite the mystery, but a beautiful one! 

All the above mentioned pieces are still waiting to be photographed, so as soon as that is done they will be up on the website under "Stone Cabochons" Keep an eye out, shouldn't be more than a day or two. I'll update here when I get it done.
Thank thats it for today.....have a Beady-Good Day! ;)

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Happy Tuesday!

Hello all and Happy Tuesday! I added a bunch of stone cabochons to the website today, you can check them out HERE.
Scroll to the bottom of the page for the newest cabochons! I will be adding new items to the website on a daily basis, we have literally THOUSANDS of items that aren't on there yet! It is a time consuming process, so please be patient with me! And just think; all kinds of awesome new goodies to drool over every day!! :)
Check back tomorrow.....and have a great evening!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Gonna give this blogging thing a try!

Hello all! 
I have decided to give this whole blogging thing a try, I think this might be a cool way to keep everyone updated on what is new at! We have been busy busy busy lately, adding lots of awesome new aluminum headbands and armbands as well as lots of gorgeous cabochons. Keep an eye out for the new resin cabochons that we will have up on the site soon; I made them myself! :)
Guess that is it for now; don't forget that we always welcome comments and can comment here or email me at!